Storage Software Knowledge Domain
- File System: EXT2/3/4, XFS, ZFS, JFS, ACL/Quota, Size-Expanding/Shrinking
- Backup: Local, Remote Backup, Distributed Backup
- Snapshot: Compact(CoW) Snapshot, Mirror Snapshot
- Virtualization: Thin Provisioning
- Metadata: SNIA
- SAS/SATA: SAS 12Gb, SAS 6Gb, SATA 6Gb, SATA 3Gb, SATA 1.5Gb, eSATA
- iSCSI/FCoE: LIO vs iSCSI-SCST, 1Gb, 2.5Gb, 10Gb, 40Gb
- Fiber Channel: 16Gb, 8Gb, 4Gb, 1Gb
- PCIe/Thunderbolt
- USB2/USB3/USB3.1+
- Wireless: LTE 4G, WiMax, Wifi(5Gen)
- API/CLI/GUI: InBand, OO-Band, RESTful
- RAID Stack: RAID0, RAID 10, RAID1, RAID3, RAID5, RAID6, RAID TP(Triple Parities), RAID 30/50/60/TP, RAID 13/15/16/1TP
- RAID stack: Dynamic/Multiple Parities (RDMP)
- RAID Tasks: Rebuild, Hotswap, Reconfig(Size Expand/Shrink, Level Migration, Slot Expand, Defragment), Parities Check/Regen
- RAID Roaming: Disk Roaming, Array Romaing, Controller Roaming
- Storage Recovery: Array-Reassemble, Disk Byte-to-Byte Clone
- Storage Environment Control: Power, Fan, Temperature, UPS, LCD/LED, Beeper, Battery, Chassis
- Storage Management: Statistics, Event, Notificatoin(Mail, IM, Social Media push, Mobile)
- Stack Offload Engine or Accelerating Engine: Intel IOAT-DMA(CBDMA), ADMA, AMCC-ADG/EDMA/I2ODMA
- Storage Integrity Test (Data Integrity) and Debug
- Storage Performance Test and Tuning
- Storage Functional/Stress Test (Storage Robustness)
- Certification: VMWare, Microsoft(WHQL), RedHat/Oracle, ...
- Compatibility: Disk Compatibility, Ethernet Switch Compatibility, Fiber Switch Compatibility, OS Compatibility
- Crash Protection: Write Log, Battery Backup Module (BBM, or Cache-Backup Module)
- Redundant RAID Controllers: Active-Backup, Active-Passive, Active-Active, Dual-Independent
- Failover / Failback: Cache Sync, Transaction, Cache Restore
- Controller Hotswap
- High Availability: Failover performance tuning
- SSD: Flash-based SSD(NAND/NOR), DDR3-based SSD, DDR4-based SSD, Hybrid Storage, NVDIMM
- Open Platform Application: Gallery, P2P Software, BitCoin, Blog, Social-Connection, Online-Image editor ...
- Data Security: Seagate SED, Encryption(HW or SW), SSL, TPM, AntiVirus
- Data Compression: deflate(HW or SW), Deduction
- BIOS/UEFI/Bootloader: Boot-able Storage, F/W Layout Storage, Dual BIOS(Flash)
- Multiple Core I/O processor: Independent MP(e.g. IOP348) or Partial-SMP or Full-SMP
- Integration: Field Application like Video/Audio Streaming, Web, CDN, Database, File Servers, Post-Production,
- Integration: Heterogeneous System/OS/Storage Integration
- Obsolete: PATA/IDE, SCSI U320/U160, IEEE 1394, FC-Disk(?)
Contact: Disscuss about software issues of Storage